







World Metrology Day Events

Below is the list of those 2020 World Metrology Day
events we have been notified of.

To view last year's events, please click here.

To request publication of your event,
please e-mail us a brief summary in Word,
your logo and a web site link.


  1. Belarus (BelGIM)
  2. Brazil (INMETRO)
  3. Bulgaria (BIM)
  4. Chinese Taipei
  5. Colombia (INM)
  7. Ecuador (INEN)
  8. India (NPL)
  9. Iran (ISIRI)
  10. Italy (INRIM)
  11. Mexico (CENAM)
  12. Mexico (Etalons)
  13. New Zealand (MSL)
  14. Peru (INACAL)
  15. Russian Federation (VNIIMS)
  16. Saint Lucia
  17. Saudi Arabia (NMCC/SASO)
  18. Saudi Arabia (SQC)
  19. Slovenia (MIRS)
  20. Spain (CEM)
  21. United States (NCSLI)
  22. Uzbekistan (UzNIM)
  23. Vietnam (STAMEQ)


Belarus (BelGIM)

Posted: 2020-05-18 @ 12:35 UTC+2


Belarus celebrates World Metrology Day 2020

On the occasion of the celebration of World Metrology Day 2020, the National Metrological Institute of Metrology of the Republic of Belarus (BelGIM) has scheduled a series of webinars on major aspects of metrology.

Agencies of both the State Metrological Service of Belarus and industry representatives are expected to take part in the events.

Interpretation of the provisions of the new version of the Law of the Republic of Belarus on Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements will be explained, and the recent advances in the field of metrology and quality infrastructure achieved at the national level will be discussed.

For more information please visit: www.belgim.by


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Brazil (Inmetro)

Posted: 2020-05-19 @ 15:25 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Brazil

Inmetro (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Qualidade e Metrologia), the Brazilian National Metrology Institute, will celebrate World Metrology Day 2020 with virtual content on its website and official social media pages.

On May 20th, Inmetro will host a live debate on its YouTube channel regarding the theme "Measurements for global trade".

Please check out our website homepage and our Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube official pages to be updated.


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Bulgaria (BIM)

Posted: 2020-05-14 @ 14:45 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Bulgaria

Under the conditions of the pandemic, the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology will celebrate World Metrology Day, May 20, with an electronic information campaign.

The Union of Metrologists in Bulgaria and the State Agency for Metrology and Technical Surveillance will also join the campaign.

Bulgarian and translated information materials will be published on the websites of these organizations - addresses, short presentations, and others.

The Bulgarian Institute of Metrology takes this opportunity to congratulate all metrologists across the world and wishes them health and strength to overcome the crisis!


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Chinese Taipei (BSMI)

Posted: 2020-06-02 @ 11:05 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day events in Chinese Taipei

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) cancelled the annual World Metrology Day conference in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

However, relevant actions to facilitate the accuracy of measurements are still being promoted through sharing of information. The BSMI distributed the press release on Measurements for Global Trade for the theme of WMD 2020.

Responding to the letter from the CIPM President on the repository of NMI Covid-19 Actions, the BSMI shared four topics to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, which have been published on the BIPM “Metrology in the fight against Covid-19” webpage.

The BSMI is also continuing to promote the worldwide information of metrology, such as the main 2020 WMD theme, the webinar conferences “Metrology and the Updated SI” of NCSLI, etc.

For further details, please visit

2020 World Metrology Day: Measurements for global trade

NML’s capabilities for supporting the front line of epidemic control


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Colombia (INM)

Posted: 2020-05-14 @ 10:35 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Colombia

Con la realización de un evento virtual, el Instituto Nacional de Metrología de Colombia (www.inm.gov.co) y la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio de Colombia (www.sic.gov.co) conmemoran el Día Mundial de la Metrología, que para este año estará enfocado en la relación que tiene la metrología y el comercio mundial, destacando el papel protagónico que tienen las mediciones no sólo para establecer parámetros unificados de intercambio entre los países, sino también para tener elementos claves de control tanto para el comercio interno como externo, siempre en pro del establecimiento de un comercio justo.

En este evento contaremos con conferencias de representantes de varios Institutos de Metrología que hacen parte del Sistema Interamericano de Metrología SIM como el NIST (Estados Unidos), INTI (Argentina) e INACAL (Perú), así como representantes de diferentes sectores de la Industria.

La Cita es el 20 de mayo entre las 09:00 h y las 17:00 h (hora local colombiana UTC-5). Mayor información en http://www.inm.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/dia-mundial-de-la-metrologia-2020/


With a virtual event, the National Institute of Metrology of Colombia (www.inm.gov.co) and the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia (www.sic.gov.co) commemorate World Metrology Day. In 2020 the celebration will be focused on the relationship between metrology and world trade, highlighting the leading role that measurements have not only to establish unified exchange parameters between countries, but also to have key control elements for both trade internal and external, always in favor of establishing fair trade.

In this event we will have conferences of Metrology Institutes that are part of the Inter-American Metrology System SIM such as NIST (United States), INTI (Argentina) and INACAL (Peru), as well as representatives of different Industry sectors.

The appointment is on May 20 between 09:00 h and 17:00 h (Colombian local time UTC-5). More information at http://www.inm.gov.co/sala-de-prensa/dia-mundial-de-la-metrologia-2020/


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Posted: 2020-05-14 @ 10:50 UTC+2


Cuba celebrates World Metrology Day 2020

With the current situation of social isolation to reduce the risk caused by CORAVID-19, the National Bureau of Standards, the National Institutes and the National Metrology Service have planned a group of events including: the dissemination of the message from the Directors of the BIML and BIPM, publication of related topics on WEB sites and social networks, press, radio and television.


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Ecuador (INEN)

Posted: 2020-05-18 @ 11:45 UTC+2


Ecuador celebrates World Metrology Day 2020

Por el Día Mundial de la Metrología cuya temática es “Mediciones en el Comercio Global”, el Ministerio de Producción Comercio Exterior Inversiones y Pesca, el Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización – INEN, a través de la Dirección Técnica de Metrología, les extienden una cordial invitación a la Jornada de Conferencias Virtuales que se realizará el día 20 de mayo de 2020 desde las 09h00 hasta 17h00 a través de una plataforma virtual, conscientes por la situación actual que atraviesa nuestro País y el Mundo, debido al virus SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19).

Estas conferencias virtuales serán impartidas por expertos internacionales y nacionales, entre ellos expertos de la Dirección Técnica de Metrología del INEN, así que lo invitamos a visitar nuestra página web www.normalizacion.gob.ec. Para mayor información ingresar a https://bit.ly/2z28XEr. ¡Los esperamos!


For the World Metrology Day "Measurements in Global Trade", the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries, Ecuadorian Standardization Service – INEN, through  the Metrology Technical Direction, extend a cordial invitation to the Virtual Conference Day to be held on May 20 2020 from 09:00 to 17:00 through a webinar, aware of the current situation that our Country and the World is going through, due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Covid-19).

These virtual conferences will be given by international and national experts, so we invite you to visit our website www.normalizacion.gob.ec. For more information, please visit https://bit.ly/2z28XEr. We’ll wait for you!


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India (NPL)

Posted: 2020-05-14 @ 14:30 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in India

An event is being organised in New Delhi to celebrate World Metrology Day 2020, on the theme "Measurements for Global trade". To download the event programme, please click here.


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Iran (ISIRI)

Posted: 2020-06-02 @ 10:50 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Iran

On the occasion of WMD, we at the National Metrology Center of Iran have published brochures outlining our strategies and the roadmap for future activities. This helps national awareness building on what we do and will aim to do such as developing new national standard for calibration of Infrared thermometers used for measuring patients’ body temperature.

To download a message from the Acting President of Iran's NMCI, please click here.


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Italy (INRIM)

Posted: 2020-05-11 @ 13:25 UTC+2


INRIM celebrates World Metrology Day 2020

INRIM, the Italian National Metrology Institute, is celebrating World Metrology Day this year with a series of virtual activities on its website and official social media pages.

During the week of 18 to 22 May, INRIM will be posting a series of interviews and recorded talks with researchers from different areas of metrology, with a special focus on the role of the science of measures in global trade.

New contents will be available every day. Check out our website homepage and our Facebook and LinkedIn official pages to be updated.


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Mexico (CENAM)

Posted: 2020-05-18 @ 10:20 UTC+2


"Virtual Open-doors Day" in CENAM México to celebrate World Metrology Day

For the last 10 years, World Metrology Day has been celebrated at CENAM allowing access to the general public, opening the doors of CENAM laboratories to all those interested in metrology and experiencing scientific activities, from children to adults.

Every year this event has been of increasing interest to the population of Mexico; in 2019 it was held over two days to serve all interested parties. In view of the health emergency caused by the SARS-CoV2, this year we have organized a virtual Open Day that will allow us to safely serve an even larger audience:

  • On Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 May, CENAM and internationally recognized metrology companies are jointly organizing a series of Conferences to celebrate World Metrology Day entitled “Jornadas Internacionales Web - Día Mundial de la Metrología”. The theme will be "Measurements for International Commerce: A shared vision". Web link:  https://www.distribuidoresfluke.mx/dia-mundial-metrologia/ (Contact email: afiguero@cenam.mx).
  • On Wednesday 20 May from 9:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. there will be remote conferences and virtual visits to CENAM laboratories. We are pleased to invite you through the following link to the activities that we have prepared: http://www.cenam.mx/pabiertas/ (Contact email: afiguero@cenam.mx).


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Mexico (Etalons)

Posted: 2020-05-13 @ 09:20 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Monterrey – Mexico

The Metrology Laboratory ETALONS in coordination with the Biomedical Engineering Society Chapter TEC of Monterrey ITESM, will hold a virtual celebration of World Metrology Day, organizing a Webinar on May 20th. The theme for World Metrology Day 2020 – Biometrology and Measuring Medical Devices, will presented to the Biomedical Engineering Society students and to the general community in Mexico.

For more information, contact: contacto@biometrologia.com  itesmbmes.mty@gmail.com


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New Zealand (MSL)

Posted: 2020-05-05 @ 09:30 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in New Zealand

The Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand is hosting a virtual celebration of World Metrology Day this year.

Visitors to the website are invited to watch a series of pre-recorded talks from 15 May on the MSL YouTube channel and then join the meeting virtually on 20 May for live discussion and Q&A sessions. More information, including the full programme, is available from this website link: https://measurement.govt.nz/news-and-events/official-opening-and-world-metrology-day-celebration/


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Posted: 2020-05-14 @ 17:55 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Peru

As part of its commemorative activities, each year INACAL´s  Metrology Directorate holds the Metrology Symposium in Peru, and this year its XI edition (Virtual) will feature national and international exhibitors.

This Symposium is aimed at experts, professionals and technicians of calibration and testing laboratories, industrial companies, professors and students of engineering and science universities interested in learning about the recent advances in metrology worldwide, and their applications in measurements of various physical and chemical quantities used in various fields of technology, industry, science, among others.

For further information, please download the Information Sheet and visit this website.


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Russian Federation (VNIIMS)

Posted: 2020-05-27 @ 08:55 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in the Russian Federation

To celebrate World Metrology Day 2020, the Russian Federation held a number of events and speeches and made information available on the VNIIMS and GOST websites.

For full information and a list of the links, please download the Information Sheet.


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Saint Lucia (SLBS)

Posted: 2020-05-25 @ 16:40 UTC+2


SLBS hosts World Metrology Day Virtual Workshop

The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) has a mandate to enforce accurate and reliable measurement in trade and to promote awareness of metrology along with the metric system of units.

In that regard, the SLBS hosted a virtual workshop on Metrology and the Metric System on Wednesday 20th May 2020 as an activity to mark World Metrology Day.

An invitation to the workshop was extended to teachers and students of science, with an interest in metrology, and the workshop was delivered via Zoom to comply with COVID-19 physical distancing protocols.

The areas covered were as follows:

  • History of Measurements
  • The Metric System
  • Rules for Writing SI Units
  • The Importance of Measurements
  • Metrology – (Types and Benefits)
  • Uncertainty of Measurements
  • The SLBS


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Saudi Arabia (NMCC/SASO)

Posted: 2020-05-18 @ 12:00 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Saudi Arabia (NMCC/SASO)

In light of the Corona pandemic and its worldwide closures, we have not invited our customers to NMCC/SASO laboratories on World Metrology Day this year. Instead, the Governor of SASO has prepared a speech that will be directed to the customers and interested parties. With this speech a number of publications containing information on metrology, its importance and its applications have been prepared and distributed.

For further details, please click here.


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Saudi Arabia (SQC)

Posted: 2020-05-20 @ 17:40 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Saudi Arabia (SQC)

Thank you very much to those who are doing their best to propagate the WMD message. It is my pleasure to share with you the Saudi Quality Council (SQC) participation in the WMD 2020.

This year`s event is the eleventh edition since 2010. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Saudi Quality Council is going to celebrate the World Metrology Day electronically through the website (http://www.sqc.org.sa/wmd/) and Twitter account @SaudiQuality.

A brief highlight of the program is in the following:

  1. We arranged with a group of Metrology experts to participate by a short video to be presented through our Twitter account.
  2. Quiz Competition about metrology basic concepts is arranged to be conducted through Twitter.
  3. A special web page about the event is available to present the WMD program with different resources of information about Metrology concepts and applications. Also, an Arabic translation of the Message of the BIML and BIPM Directors is presented.

Please visit www.sqc.org.sa/wmd/.

We wish you a successful and happy WMD every year.

Eng. Waleed Al-Faris (Email)
Member of the Executive Committee of the SQC


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Slovenia (MIRS)

Posted: 2020-05-14 @ 15:10 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Slovenia

MIRS, the Slovenian Metrology Institute, is celebrating World Metrology Day with a wide range of professional metrology stories, good practices, as well as research and educational achievements in metrology, which are being shared over e-mail and social networks and media in three waves, starting on 6 May and culminating on 20 May.

At the end of 20 May, we will combine all the presentations into a whole and connect it with the theme of this year's World Metrology Day "Measurements for Global Trade".

For more information, including the full programme and materials, please visit: https://www.gov.si/drzavni-organi/organi-v-sestavi/urad-za-meroslovje/



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Spain (CEM)

Posted: 2020-05-19 @ 18:30 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in Spain

This year, it is not possible to celebrate WMD at CEM and so the programmed seminar has been cancelled. However, in these difficult times we need to achieve an even greater contribution of metrology in the health field.

In this video, the Director of CEM recognises and thanks all those involved in the sanitary sector and explains the usefulness of metrology for our society.

Wishing everybody all the best on this special date.



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United States (NCSLI)

Posted: 2020-05-19 @ 15:55 UTC+2


2020 World Metrology Day in the USA

A Webinar Series is being held on Tuesday 19, Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 May 2020 to mark World Metrology Day:

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
- Calibration and the Making of Medical Devices & Combination Drug Products /Walter Nowocin, Senior Engineering Manager, Metrology & DSR, Medtronic
- The Critical Role of Pressure Calibration in Clean Room Applications in Regulated Industries / Dallen Baugh, Additel

Wednesday, May 20, 2020
- Opening Presentation for World Metrology Day 2020 / Andy Henson, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM)
- Metrology and the Unsung Hero / Dilip Shah, ASQ-MQD

Thursday, May 21, 2020
- Metrological Traceability of Pesticide Testing in Cannabis / Tim Osborne, A2LA WorkPlace Training
- Advances with Quantum Hall Effect Resistance Standards / Alireza Panna, NIST

For full details and to participate, please visit this website.


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Uzbekistan (UzNIM)

Posted: 2020-05-12 @ 11:15 UTC+2


Uzbekistan celebrates World Metrology Day 2020

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2020, the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology (UzNIM) is planning a series of virtual events.

Events dedicated to World Metrology Day are timed to unite the Uzbek National Metrology Institute, its regional branches, the manufacturing sector and representatives of higher education institutions in one virtual area.

It is planned to clarify the norms of the new edition of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Metrology” (which was signed by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in April of this year), to discuss the latest achievements in the field of metrology and the development of quality infrastructure at the national level.

For more information, please visit: www.nim.uz.


Узбекистан отмечает Всемирный день метрологии 2020 года

По случаю Всемирного дня метрологии 2020 года, Узбекский национальный институт метрологии (УзНИМ) планирует проведение серию виртуальных мероприятий.

Мероприятия, приуроченные ко Всемирному дню метрологии, как ожидается, объединят Узбекский национальный метрологический институт, его региональные филиалы, производственный сектор и представителей высших учебных заведений на одной виртуальной площадке.

Планируется разъяснение норм новой редакции Закона Республики Узбекистан «О метрологии» (который подписан Президентом Республики Узбекистан в апреле текущего года), обсуждение последних достижений в области метрологии и развития инфраструктуры качества на национальном уровне.

Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите: www.nim.uz.


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Vietnam (STAMEQ)

Posted: 2020-06-08 @ 10:55 UTC+2


Activities to celebrate World Metrology Day 2020 in Vietnam

In celebration of World Metrology Day 2020, the Vietnam Metrology Institute – under the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ) – organized a seminar on translating “The SI system” into Vietnamese on May 20.

In addition, STAMEQ has directed the Vietnam Metrology Institute and other technical centers to prioritize facilities and resources to support businesses producing medical equipment such as breathing apparatus, medical masks, etc. through measurement and testing activities.

Click here for more information and to see a photo.


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